Friday, October 10, 2008

Sierra Shutting Older Servers Down

Sierra will be shutting down many of its servers that were designated for older games, starting November 1st. Most of these games are out dated and technologically inferior but still have players using them. Clearly not enough players to warrant the servers being kept open. The Games on the list include:

1. Empire Earth
2. Empire Earth 2
3. Star Trek: Armada
4. Dark Reign 2
5. Sanity
6. Alien vs Predator 2
7. Arcanum
8. Empire Earth: Age of Conquest
9. Ground Control
10. Ground Control2
11. Vampire
12. Tribes 2
13. Red Baron
14. Nolf 2
15. Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
16. Caesar IV
17. SWAT3: EE
19. The Incredible Machine
20. Homeworld
21. Homeworld: Cataclysm

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