Monday, February 2, 2009

Europe To Attack The Pirate Bay

In a few weeks, The Medina Report will be voted on by European parliament. The Medina Report entails many new anti-piracy regulations and measures. The Pirate Bay, a popular online BitTorrent tracker, is one of the main targets of these new rules. It is calling for more responsibilty to the internet service providers to filter material that is infringing on any copyright laws.

I will say for any Europeans who may read this that I strongly urge you to write to your members of parliament and tell him how you believe that this is the wrong path to take. This is a step towards ISP's knowing all your information that is on your computer, they want to filter the internet!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remedy Entertainment Hard At Work On Alan Wake

The development team at Remedy Entertainment is hard at work, preparing their upcoming game Alan Wake. Remedy Entertainment is most famous as the dev. team behind the Max Payne Series, which has now been made into a film starring Markie Mark Wahlberg as Max. Alan Wake is a completely new game that's being billed as a "psychological action thriller".The character of A. Wake is said to be modeled after the Finnish actor Ilkka Villi. It should be released within 2009.